
Endowment and Scholarship

These gifts support St. 艾格尼丝 in perpetuity and often have profound meaning in the donors' lives because they are an investment in the future. The endowment is like a savings account for the school. As the fund grows, the annual distribution to the operating budget increases, providing financial stability and long-term viability. This means we will never have to compromise the excellence we have worked hard to establish at St. 艾格尼丝. It allows us to provide young women with an extraordinary experience now and for generations to come.

Gifts can be made for specific purposes or to the general endowment, which supports all areas of the school. Endowed funds can be designated for departments, financial aid, faculty and staff salaries and professional development, 技术, 新宝体育app, 艺术, the operation and maintenance of facilities, and specific programs.

We welcome and appreciate all gifts to the endowment. Donors who contribute $50,000+ may 创建 and name a fund.

The Board of Trustees of the St. 艾格尼丝 Academy Foundation manages the endowment funds of St. 艾格尼丝 Academy. 圣. 艾格尼丝 Academy Foundation is separately incorporated for the sole purpose of supporting our school's mission. Annual reports and stewardship letters are sent to all donors who 创建 endowed funds.

If you donate to an existing fund, please 写 the fund name in the “comment” box.

To 创建 your own endowed fund, or for more information, please contact our Head of Advancement, Bridget Hennessey '90, at 布丽姬特.hennessey@chinaliefang.com or 713-219-5481.